
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Mautern a.d. Donau

Swimming Lakes in

Swimming Lake Donaustrand Mautern a.d. Donau
3512 Mautern a.d. Donau

0 no votes

Swimming Pools nearby

Outdoor Swimming Pool Sommerbad Badearena Krems a.d. Donau
Strandbadstr., 3500 Krems a.d. Donau

5 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 5m Rutsche Sauna
Indoor Swimming Pool Badearena Krems a.d. Donau
Strandbadstr., 3500 Krems a.d. Donau
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 8pm

14 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche Sauna
Natural Swimming Pool Kuenringerbad
Donaulände, 3601 Dürnstein
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 7pm

0 no votes
Swimming Lake Badestrand Rührsdorf
3602 Rührsdorf

3 votes
Natural Swimming Pool Strandbad an der Donau Weissenkirchen i.d. Wachau
3610 Weissenkirchen i.d. Wachau

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Waldbad Oberwölbling
Waldbadstr., 3124 Wölbling

1 vote
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Spitz a.d. Donau
Donaulände, 3620 Spitz a.d. Donau

13 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Hadersdorf
Umfahrungsstraße, 3493 Hadersdorf

1 vote
25m Bahn
Natural Swimming Pool Freizeitanlange beim Kamp (vormals Kampbad)
Haindorfer Au, 3550 Langenlois

2 votes