
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Waidmannsfeld

Outdoor Swimming Pools in

Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Neusiedl
Stadionstraße, 2763 Waidmannsfeld

2 votes

Swimming Pools nearby

Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Gutenstein
Hauptstr., 2770 Gutenstein

Closed until end of May

12 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Waldegg
Waldegg, 2754 Waldegg

12 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Grünbach am Schneeberg
Badstraße, 2733 Grünbach am Schneeberg

4 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Hotel Schneeberghof
Wr. Neustädter Straße, 2734 Puchberg am Schneeberg
relevant opening hours today:
7:15am to 10pm

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Erlebnisfreibad Centrelax
Sportpromenade, 2560 Berndorf

30 votes
Rutsche Sauna
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad im Kurhotel Puchberg am Schneeberg
Paradiesweg, 2734 Puchberg am Schneeberg
already closed today

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Puchberg a. Schneeberg
Sticklergasse, 2734 Puchberg a. Schneeberg

2 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Waldbad Markt Piesting
Bocksbachgasse, 2753 Markt Piesting

18 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad im Forellenhof Puchberg am Schneeberg
Losenheimer Str., 2734 Puchberg am Schneeberg

1 vote