Indoor Swimming Pool Ottakringer Bad in Wien

21 Votes


Ottakringer BadJohann-Staud-Str. 11, 1160 Wien
Telephone: +43 1 9148106
This pool also has a separate Outdoor Swimming Pool. Information about settings and opening hours of this Outdoor Swimming Pool can be found here.

Opening Hours

Opening hours in summer
Monday12pm to 5pm
Wednesday9am to 7pm
Thursday9am to 9:30pm
Friday9am to 9:30pm
Saturday8am to 6pm
Sunday8am to 6pm

Opening hours in winter
Monday12pm to 5pmnur Senioren und Versehrte
Wednesday9am to 7pm
Thursday9am to 9:30pm
Friday9am to 9:30pm
Saturday8am to 6pm
Sunday8am to 6pm


The following features are available:
  • a sport pool with a length of 25m
  • gastronomy
  • a barrier-free settings
  • massage
  • classes